Prioritizing Safety Improvements at LADOT

Last year I wrote about how we at LADOT had developed a more systematic approach to evaluating intersections for funding applications. Previously, engineers had only been able to do bottom-up queries, that is, look at all the data for each potential intersection, manually scrub it for qualifying collisions, and then create summaries for each intersection. For our effort, we created a top-down, global query among all intersections in Los Angeles, a process explained much more thoroughly here.

Although we initially developed that approach to optimize our funding applications (Highway Safety Improvement Program / Metro ExpressLanes), we’ve since broadened our use of it to help prioritize where we install our own funded infrastructure. This example will cover protected left-turn phasing, but we’ve also used this global query process for several different infrastructure prioritization exercises.

As we’ve broadened our use of that approach over the past year and a half, I’ve also become much more proficient in making these queries, and discovered new ways to do them better. My initial solution to the problem included a series of python for loops that fairly closely mimics the flowchart on the project page. This past year, I much more streamline approach to this data querying, using better tools such as Wickam’s dplyr (also obviously shifting from a python-based to R-based workflow).

Pre-Project Data Processing

Before embarking on this project, there is one critical pre-processing step: each of the collisions needs to be assigned to specific intersection ID. For the intitial funding application effort, I did this through a python script, which you can view on my github page. We now have a contractor, RoadSafe GIS, performing this service for us. However it happens, each collision needs to end up with an ID tag for the nearest intersection.

Once you receive the list of candidate locations for prioritizing (unless it is a global search), you will also need to make sure that the list includes the ID as well, for joining to the collision table.

Data Inputs

For these prioritization efforts, I typically just need three different tables:

For interpreting the data within the collision and party table, we’ve uploaded the SWITRS codebook here. We can begin by loading these data:

# Load Libraries
# Import Data
collisions <- read.csv('collisions_los_angeles.csv',
                       header = TRUE,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
parties <- read.csv('party_los_angeles.csv',
                    header = TRUE,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
candidate_int <- read.csv('Vision Zero Signals - LT Crash Analysis.csv',
                          header = TRUE,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Protected L-Turn Criteria

That is it! Pretty simple. In addition to the above criteria, I will separate out the collision counts by direction, since that is how we will be evaluating the protected phasing candidates.

Clean & Filter the data

Here I perform some basic filters on each of the data sets and subset for only the variables I am interested in. Very straightforward dplyr work.

# Clean and Reformat Data Tables
candidate_int <- candidate_int %>%
  select(Int, Primary.Street, X.Street, Phasing.Type)
collisions <- collisions %>%
  # select only relevant variables
  select(case_id, accident_year, collision_severity, alcohol_involved, int_id) %>%
  # remove any collisions where alcohol was involved
  filter(alcohol_involved != 'Y') %>%
  # only intersted in collision history at candidate locations
  filter(int_id %in% candidate_int$Int) %>%
  # also remove collisions without an assigned intersection
  filter(! %>%
  # drop alcohol_involved variable after filter

parties <- parties %>%
  # Select only relevant variables
  select(case_id, party_number, party_type, dir_of_travel, move_pre_acc) %>%
  # Filter for parties that are in the collision table
  filter(case_id %in% collisions$case_id) %>%
  # also filter out parties that do not have a direction of travel
  filter(dir_of_travel %in% c('E','N','S','W')) %>%
  # Join to collision table to get collision_severity
  left_join(collisions) %>%
  # Group by Case ID,
  group_by(case_id) %>%
  # Select only those case IDs where there was at least one person making a 'U' or 'L' turn
  filter(any(move_pre_acc %in% c('E','F'))) %>%
  # Select only collisions involving at least two parties
  filter(n() >= 2) %>%

## Joining, by = "case_id"

The parties table is the one we are ultimately interested in. After we’ve joined the collision table to the party table (and completed all the necessary cleaning), we can take a look:


## Observations: 1,926
## Variables: 8
## $ case_id            <chr> "6275418", "5606216", "7138013", "6504095",...
## $ party_number       <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2...
## $ party_type         <chr> "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"...
## $ dir_of_travel      <chr> "E", "W", "S", "S", "N", "S", "E", "N", "E"...
## $ move_pre_acc       <chr> "E", "F", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E"...
## $ accident_year      <int> 2013, 2012, 2015, 2014, 2015, 2014, 2014, 2...
## $ collision_severity <int> 4, 0, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3, 0, 4...
## $ int_id             <int> 96407, 106643, 131554, 110127, 138221, 1382...

Generate Summary Counts

Once we have all the appropriate filters, it is quite easy to summarize the data and create a table that includes these counts. For this exercise, for example, I created three different tables for prioritization:

# Generate summary count tables
ksi_count <- parties %>%
  # Filter for KSIs
  filter(collision_severity %in% c(1,2)) %>%
  # Filter by movement again
  filter(move_pre_acc %in% c('E','F')) %>%
  group_by(int_id, dir_of_travel) %>%
  summarise(ksi.ct = n())

inj_count <- parties %>%
  # Filter for all injuries (excluding collision_severity = 0)
  filter(collision_severity %in% c(1,2,3,4)) %>%
  filter(move_pre_acc %in% c('E','F')) %>%
  group_by(int_id, dir_of_travel) %>%
  summarise(inj.ct = n()) 

col_count <- parties %>%
  filter(move_pre_acc %in% c('E','F')) %>%
  group_by(int_id, dir_of_travel) %>%
  summarise(col.ct = n()) 

Once we have all three tables, we can merge them into one giant table for a summary. However, first I am going to reshape the tables using the spread function from tidyr which takes ‘long’ tables (long in this case from breaking out every intersection by direction) and converting them to ‘wide’ tables (in this case, converting the directions to be columns). Each value will be the count for that interesction ID and direction.

# Generate summary count tables
ksi_summary <- ksi_count %>%
  spread(dir_of_travel, ksi.ct, fill = NA, convert = FALSE) %>%
  rename(ksi.E = 'E',
         ksi.N = 'N',
         ksi.S = 'S',
         ksi.W = 'W')

inj_summary <- inj_count %>%
  spread(dir_of_travel, inj.ct, fill = NA, convert = FALSE) %>%
  rename(inj.E = 'E',
         inj.N = 'N',
         inj.S = 'S',
         inj.W = 'W')

col_summary <- col_count %>%
  spread(dir_of_travel, col.ct, fill = NA, convert = FALSE) %>%
  rename(col.E = 'E',
         col.N = 'N',
         col.S = 'S',
         col.W = 'W')

Now we can merge all three ‘tables’ into one really wide table.

summary <- ksi_summary %>%
  full_join(inj_summary) %>%

## Joining, by = "int_id"
## Joining, by = "int_id"

And take a glimpse of the final output


## # A tibble: 57 x 13
## # Groups: int_id [?]
##    int_id ksi.E ksi.N ksi.S ksi.W inj.E inj.N inj.S inj.W col.E col.N
##     <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
##  1  96010    NA    NA     1    NA     2     3     6     1     2     3
##  2  96370    NA     1    NA    NA     3     9     8     1     5    11
##  3  96407    NA    NA     2    NA     3     8    13     3     5     9
##  4  99928    NA    NA     1    NA     2     2     1     1     2     3
##  5 100373     1    NA    NA    NA     2    NA     2     1     2    NA
##  6 106686    NA     1     1     1     6     6    10    11     6     6
##  7 106837     1    NA    NA    NA     4     1     8     5     4     1
##  8 109525    NA    NA    NA     1     5     3     2     6     6     3
##  9 110084    NA     1    NA    NA     3     5     2     4     5     6
## 10 113863    NA    NA    NA     1     2    13     7     7     2    13
## # ... with 47 more rows, and 2 more variables: col.S <int>, col.W <int>

That’s it! You can view all the supporting data for this project here.